Az új esemény, “Spártai orgyilkos” a korábbi eseményünk a “Róma Parancsnoka” következménye, folytatása.
Vespasianus, a római trónbitorló, akinek megkűzdöttél a csapataival, és akiket a saját városukban legyőztél, most bosszút forral. Dühöng első győzelmed miatt és csapatait közvetlenül a görög partokra küldi csapatait. Elsöprő hadereje városaid ellen vonul, de van még remény! A spártai orgyilkosok ligája felajánlja segítségét neked és a többi uralkodónak. A többi játékossal együtt dolgozva parancsnoklásod alá vonhatod az orgyilkosokat, hogy egyenként vadásszák le a római katonákat, így védve meg a görög hont, bónuszként pedig hatalmas jutalmakat gyűjtsetek be!
Trophy Type
Received Trophy Type
Cavalry Trophy
Legionnaire Trophy
Sapper Trophy
Battle Tokens & Shop
Battle Tokens are earned by shooting Roman soldiers. For every kill, you receive between 2 and 20 Battle Tokens.
The resource production in all your cities is increased by 60% for 5 weeks.
Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.
The construction time of buildings is reduced in all your cities by 60% for 5 weeks.
Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.
The recruiting time for units is reduced in all your cities 60% for 5 weeks.
Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.
Increases the favor production in all your cities 60% for 5 weeks.
Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.
You will receive 50% more battle points for 2 weeks. This applies to all your cities.
Cities that are founded or conquered while the effect lasts will also benefit from this.
List of Awards
Award is given out to the first player on this world completing one of the collections.
Award is granted when player shoots 10/25/55/90 cavalry targets.
Award is granted when player shoots 10/25/55/90 Legionary targets
Award is granted when player shoots 10/25/55/90 sapper targets
Award is granted when completing the cavalry collection
Award is granted when completing the legionary collection
Award is granted when completing the sapper collection