Grepo score

Innen: Wiki Grepolis HU
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Moira (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2016. június 26., 21:41-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (→‎Globális Grepolisscore)
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Rövid leírás

A kitüntetési rendszerünket Grepolis score-nak hívjuk. A Grepolis scoreban meg tudod nézni, hogy mely kitüntetéseket szerezted meg már eddigre. A Grepolis létrehozása óta sok új kitüntetést adtunk a rendszerhez, így arra gondoltunk, ha különféle kategóriákba sorolnánk őket, az segítene nektek, hogy jobb áttekintést kapjatok a kitüntetéseitekről. Lesz így "Napi kitüntetés", "Harci kitüntetés", "Birodalom fejlesztés" és más egyéb is.

Hogyan lehet elérni

A Grepolisscore ablakot a felhasználó felület bal felső sarokban, a szerver időt jelző rész feletti gomb segítségével tudod megnyitni.

Gscore access.png

Hogy néz ki a főoldal

A lenti képen láthatod, hogy néz ki a Grepolisscore főoldala, középen a globális pontokkal a fenti középső részen. Bal oldalt a pontok mellett a legfrissebb kitüntetéseddel. Ez alatt az egyes kitüntetés kategóriák jelennek meg a nevükkel és az eddig a kategóriában szerzett pontokkal. Ha a kategóriára kattintasz, akkor egy másik képernyőre navigálsz, ahol a kategória egyes kitüntetéseit láthatod.

Gscore main.png

Legutóbbi kitüntetések

A bal felső részen láthatod a legutoljára megszerzett kitüntetésedet:

Gscore top left.png

A képre kattintva közvetlenül a kitüntetés kategória oldalára jutsz. Mindig, ha egy új kitüntetést szerzel, arról a felhasználói felület jobb alsó sarkában kapsz egy ikonnal értesítést, amelyre ha rákattintasz, akkor a Grepolis score ablaka nyílik meg, valamint tájékoztatást kapsz arról, hogy mennyi pontot kaptál az új kitüntetéssel.

Globális Grepolisscore

Középen az összesített Grepolis score pontokat láthatod. Minden világ minden pontja számít, ezek összesítését láthatod a fő Grepolis score oldal közepén a Grepolis score ikon alatt. A kis "i" gomb megnyomása révén láthatod, hogy az egyes világokon mennyi pontot kaptál.

Gscore top middle.png

A pontérték mellett egy gombot láthatsz. Ezt megnyomva a Grepolis score BB kódját másolod, hogy másoknak is megmutathasd azt üzenet vagy fórum hozzászólás formájában.

A fenti jobb részen egy legördülő menüt találsz, amely révén az egyes kategóriák között válthatsz. Alap állapotban az 'áttekintés' részen leszel.

Gscore top right.png


You can navigate through the award categories in two different ways. From the overview you can click the category image, respectively the entire area (image, name, points) in the lower part of the main screen or you can choose the corresponding category via the drop down menu in the top right. Both will change the view and display the awards of the selected category. If you would select the "Daily Awards" category, the lower part of the screen would change to this one:

Gscore daily awards.png

Here you can see which awards of this category you have already gained and which you are still missing. On the right side of each award, you can see how many Grepolisscore Points you have earned with this award and how many Points you can earn at maximum.

Visszatérés az áttekintéshez

Bármikor vissza tudsz jönni az áttekintésbe, ha az ablak címében lévő "áttekintés" gombra kattintasz. De van még két másik módszer is a visszatérésre. Bármikor rákattinthatsz-e a Grepolisscore ikonra a a fenti középső részen, vagy a legördülő menüből kiválaszthatod az "Áttekintést".

Kitüntetés kategóriák

Valamennyi kitüntetést az alábbi csoportokba soroljuk:

  • napi kitüntetés
  • taktikai
  • harci
  • hadsereg előkészület
  • Birodalmi fejlődés
  • Recordok
  • Hősök
  • Megszerezhetetlen

Every category has an image that shows the theme of the category, a title and a number of Grepolisscore Points. The number shows you how many Grepolisscore Points you have earned only in this single category.

Gscore award category.png

Awards you cannot gain anymore in the game but were possible to gain in the past are listed in the category "Unobtainable". In this category we display all event related awards for example.

Grepolisscore pontok számlálása

Your total Grepolisscore is determined by the Grepolisscores you earn on all worlds by attaining awards.

Gscore world score.png

Régi és új kitüntetések

  • All old awards you earned will be counted for the Grepolisscore.
  • We implemented 86 new awards for you until now and have plenty of more in preparation.
    • New awards will provide a new challenge for you that you can complete now. This means they are not granted automatically to you although you already achieved the required goals in the past.
    • Only new awards that are connected to your heroes will be automatically granted to you, otherwise you would not have a chance to gain these awards.
  • Gaining the daily awards is accompanied by a lot of effort and this should be credited. Therefore you will get the points for your Grepolisscore every time you gain a new daily award.

Új kitüntetés

Új kitüntetések ebben a kategóriában: hadsereg előkészítés

Cím Leírás I. szint II. szint III. szint IV. szint
Figyelem, kardforgatók! Már x kardost képeztél ki. Train units sword1.png

175 kardforgatót képeztél ki.

Train units sword2.png

1400 kardforgatót képeztél ki.

Train units sword3.png

4500 kardforgatót képeztél ki.

Train units sword4.png

8600 kardforgatót képeztél ki.

Figyelem, parittyások! Már x parittyást képeztél ki. Train units slinger1.png

200 parittyást képeztél ki.

Train units slinger2.png

2200 parittyást képeztél ki.

Train units slinger3.png

7500 parittyást képeztél ki.

Train units slinger4.png

15000 parittyást képeztél ki.

Figyelem, íjászok! Már x íjászt képeztél ki. Train units archer1.png

100 íjászt képeztél ki.

Train units archer2.png

1100 íjászt képeztél ki.

Train units archer3.png

4100 íjászt képeztél ki.

Train units archer4.png

8200 íjászt képeztél ki.

Figyelem, Hopliták! Már x hoplitát képeztél ki. Train units hoplite1.png

100 hoplitát képeztél ki.

Train units hoplite2.png

1300 hoplitát képeztél ki.

Train units hoplite3.png

4900 hoplitát képeztél ki.

Train units hoplite4.png

11000 hoplitát képeztél ki.

Figyelem, Lovasok! Már x lovast képeztél ki. Train units rider1.png

16 lovast képeztél ki.

Train units rider2.png

240 lovast képeztél ki.

Train units rider3.png

1000 lovast képeztél ki.

Train units rider4.png

2000 lovast képeztél ki.

Figyelem, Chariots! You have built x Chariots. Train units chariot1.png

You have built 5 Chariots.

Train units chariot2.png

You have built 120 Chariots.

Train units chariot3.png

You have built 600 Chariots.

Train units chariot4.png

You have built 1400 Chariots.

Attention, Catapult Crews! You have built x Catapults. Train units catapult1.png

You have built 5 Catapults.

Train units catapult2.png

You have built 25 Catapults.

Train units catapult3.png

You have built 125 Catapults.

Train units catapult4.png

You have built 280 Catapults.

Transport Boats, set sails! You have built x Transport Boats. Train units big transporter1.png

You have built 5 Transport Boats.

Train units big transporter2.png

You have built 75 Transport Boats.

Train units big transporter3.png

You have built 240 Transport Boats.

Train units big transporter4.png

You have built 430 Transport Boats.

Biremes, set sails! You have built x Biremes. Train units bireme1.png

You have built 10 Biremes.

Train units bireme2.png

You have built 350 Biremes.

Train units bireme3.png

You have built 1500 Biremes.

Train units bireme4.png

You have built 3200 Biremes.

Lightships, set sails! You have built x Lightships. Train units attack ship1.png

You have built 10 Lightships.

Train units attack ship2.png

You have built 260 Lightships.

Train units attack ship3.png

You have built 1300 Lightships.

Train units attack ship4.png

You have built 3100 Lightships.

Fireships, set sails! You have built x Fireships. Train units demolition ship1.png

You have built 5 Fireships.

Train units demolition ship2.png

You have built 10 Fireships.

Train units demolition ship3.png

You have built 25 Fireships.

Train units demolition ship4.png

You have built 50 Fireships.

Fast Transport Ships, set sails! You have built x Fast Transport Ships. Train units small transporter1.png

You have built 5 Fast Transport Ships.

Train units small transporter2.png

You have built 80 Fast Transport Ships.

Train units small transporter3.png

You have built 400 Fast Transport Ships.

Train units small transporter4.png

You have built 900 Fast Transport Ships.

Triremes, set sails! You have built x Triremes. Train units trireme1.png

You have built 5 Triremes.

Train units trireme2.png

You have built 30 Triremes.

Train units trireme3.png

You have built 150 Triremes.

Train units trireme4.png

You have built 400 Triremes.

Minotaurs, at your service! You have built x Minotaurs. Train units minotaur1.png

You have built 5 Minotaurs.

Train units minotaur2.png

You have built 10 Minotaurs.

Train units minotaur3.png

You have built 15 Minotaurs.

Train units minotaur4.png

You have built 20 Minotaurs.

Manticores, at your service! You have built x Manticores. Train units manticore1.png

You have built 5 Manticores.

Train units manticore2.png

You have built 10 Manticores.

Train units manticore3.png

You have built 45 Manticores.

Train units manticore4.png

You have built 100 Manticores.

Cyclops, at your service! You have built x Cyclops. Train units zyklop1.png

You have built 5 Cyclops.

Train units zyklop2.png

You have built 10 Cyclops.

Train units zyklop3.png

You have built 15 Cyclops.

Train units zyklop4.png

You have built 20 Cyclops.

Hydras, at your service! You have built x Hydras. Train units sea monster1.png

You have built 5 Hydras.

Train units sea monster2.png

You have built 10 Hydras.

Train units sea monster3.png

You have built 15 Hydras.

Train units sea monster4.png

You have built 20 Hydras.

Harpies, at your service! You have built x Harpies. Train units harpy1.png

You have built 5 Harpies.

Train units harpy2.png

You have built 30 Harpies.

Train units harpy3.png

You have built 115 Harpies.

Train units harpy4.png

You have built 235 Harpies.

Medusae, at your service! You have built x Medusae. Train units medusa1.png

You have built 5 Medusae.

Train units medusa2.png

You have built 10 Medusae.

Train units medusa3.png

You have built 15 Medusae.

Train units medusa4.png

You have built 20 Medusae.

Centaurs, at your service! You have built x Centaurs. Train units centaur1.png

You have built 5 Centaurs.

Train units centaur2.png

You have built 10 Centaurs.

Train units centaur3.png

You have built 20 Centaurs.

Train units centaur4.png

You have built 30 Centaurs.

Pegasi, at your service! You have built x Pegasi. Train units pegasus1.png

You have built 5 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus2.png

You have built 10 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus3.png

You have built 15 Pegasi.

Train units pegasus4.png

You have built 40 Pegasi.

Cerberi, at your service! You have built x Cerberi. Train units cerberus1.png

You have built 5 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus2.png

You have built 10 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus3.png

You have built 15 Cerberi.

Train units cerberus4.png

You have built 25 Cerberi.

Erinys, at your service! You have built x Erinys. Train units fury1.png

You have built 5 Erinys.

Train units fury2.png

You have built 10 Erinys.

Train units fury3.png

You have built 15 Erinys.

Train units fury4.png

You have built 25 Erinys.

Divine Envoys, at your service! You have built x Divine Envoys. Train units godsent1.png

You have built 80 Divine Envoys.

Train units godsent2.png

You have built 315 Divine Envoys.

Train units godsent3.png

You have built 620 Divine Envoys.

Train units godsent4.png

You have built 910 Divine Envoys.

Új kitüntetések ebben a kategóriában: Harc

Cím Leírás I. szint II. szint III. szint IV. szint
Kardforgató koponyák Megöltél x kardforgatót. Killed units sword1.png

Megöltél 180 kardforgatót.

Killed units sword2.png

Megöltél 6300 kardforgatót.

Killed units sword3.png

Megöltél 32500 kardforgatót.

Killed units sword4.png

Megöltél 49400 kardforgatót.

Parittyás koponya Megöltél x parittyást. Killed units slinger1.png

Megöltél 180 parittyást.

Killed units slinger2.png

Megöltél 3700 parittyást.

Killed units slinger3.png

Megöltél 13500 parittyást.

Killed units slinger4.png

Megöltél 21700 parittyást.

Íjász koponya Megöltél x íjászt. Killed units archer1.png

Megöltél 120 íjászt.

Killed units archer2.png

Megöltél 4250 íjászt.

Killed units archer3.png

Megöltél 35700 íjászt.

Killed units archer4.png

Megöltél 46000 íjászt.

Hoplita koponya Megöltél x hoplitát. Killed units hoplite1.png

Megöltél 150 hoplitát.

Killed units hoplite2.png

Megöltél 4900 hoplitát.

Killed units hoplite3.png

Megöltél 24200 hoplitát.

Killed units hoplite4.png

Megöltél 37900 hoplitát.

Lovas koponya Megöltél x lovast. Killed units rider1.png

Megöltél 10 lovast.

Killed units rider2.png

Megöltél 520 lovast.

Killed units rider3.png

Megöltél 2200 lovast.

Killed units rider4.png

Megöltél 3800 lovast.

Harci kocsi koponya Megöltél x harci kocsit. Killed units chariot1.png

Megöltél 3 harci kocsit.

Killed units chariot2.png

Megöltél 315 harci kocsit.

Killed units chariot3.png

Megöltél 3800 harci kocsit.

Killed units chariot4.png

Megöltél 4800 harci kocsit.

Katapult személyzet koponya Elpusztítottál x katapultot. Killed units catapult1.png

You have killed 1 katapultot.

Killed units catapult2.png

Elpusztítottál 25 katapultot.

Killed units catapult3.png

Elpusztítottál 150 katapultot.

Killed units catapult4.png

Elpusztítottál 300 katapultot.

Elsüllyesztett szállító hajók Elpusztítottál x szállító hajót. Killed units big transporter1.png

Elpusztítottál 1 szállító hajót.

Killed units big transporter2.png

Elpusztítottál 160 szállító hajót.

Killed units big transporter3.png

Elpusztítottál 700 szállító hajót.

Killed units big transporter4.png

Elpusztítottál 1100 szállító hajót.

Elsüllyesztett birémák Elpusztítottál x biremát. Killed units bireme1.png

Elpusztítottál 2 biremát.

Killed units bireme2.png

Elpusztítottál 1100 biremát.

Killed units bireme3.png

Elpusztítottál 10000 biremát.

Killed units bireme4.png

Elpusztítottál 16000 biremát.

Elsüllyesztett jelző hajók Elpusztítottál x jelző hajót. Killed units attack ship1.png

Elpusztítottál 1 jelző hajót.

Killed units attack ship2.png

Elpusztítottál 250 jelző hajót.

Killed units attack ship3.png

Elpusztítottál 1900 jelző hajót.

Killed units attack ship4.png

Elpusztítottál 3000 jelző hajót.

Elsüllyesztett gyújtó hajó Elpusztítottál x gyújtó hajót. Killed units demolition ship1.png

Elpusztítottál 1 gyújtó hajót.

Killed units demolition ship2.png

Elpusztítottál 20 gyújtó hajót.

Killed units demolition ship3.png

Elpusztítottál 115 gyújtó hajót.

Killed units demolition ship4.png

Elpusztítottál 230 gyújtó hajót.

Elsüllyesztett gyors szállító hajó Elpusztítottál x gyors szállító hajót. Killed units small transporter1.png

Elpusztítottál 1 gyors szállító hajót.

Killed units small transporter2.png

Elpusztítottál 110 gyors szállító hajót.

Killed units small transporter3.png

Elpusztítottál 1100 gyors szállító hajót.

Killed units small transporter4.png

Elpusztítottál 2000 gyors szállító hajót.

Elsüllyesztett triréma Elpusztítottál x trirémát. Killed units trireme1.png

Elpusztítottál 1 trirémát.

Killed units trireme2.png

Elpusztítottál 60 trirémát.

Killed units trireme3.png

Elpusztítottál 660 trirémát.

Killed units trireme4.png

Elpusztítottál 900 trirémát.

Minotauruszok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x minotauruszt. Killed units minotaur1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 minotauruszt.

Killed units minotaur2.png

Meggyilkoltál 3 minotauruszt.

Killed units minotaur3.png

Meggyilkoltál 8 minotauruszt.

Killed units minotaur4.png

Meggyilkoltál 15 minotauruszt.

Mantikórok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x mantikort. Killed units manticore1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 mantikort.

Killed units manticore2.png

Meggyilkoltál 15 mantikort.

Killed units manticore3.png

Meggyilkoltál 170 mantikort.

Killed units manticore4.png

Meggyilkoltál 210 mantikort.

Küklopszok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x küklopszot. Killed units zyklop1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 küklopszot.

Killed units zyklop2.png

Meggyilkoltál 2 küklopszot.

Killed units zyklop3.png

Meggyilkoltál 4 küklopszot.

Killed units zyklop4.png

Meggyilkoltál 8 küklopszot.

Hárpiák mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x hidrát. Killed units sea monster1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 hidrát.

Killed units sea monster2.png

Meggyilkoltál 2 hidrát.

Killed units sea monster3.png

Meggyilkoltál 24 hidrát.

Killed units sea monster4.png

Meggyilkoltál 40 hidrát.

Hárpiák mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x hárpiát. Killed units harpy1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 hárpiát.

Killed units harpy2.png

Meggyilkoltál 45 hárpiát.

Killed units harpy3.png

Meggyilkoltál 270 hárpiát.

Killed units harpy4.png

Meggyilkoltál 380 hárpiát.

Medúzák mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x medúzát. Killed units medusa1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 medúzát.

Killed units medusa2.png

Meggyilkoltál 7 medúzát.

Killed units medusa3.png

Meggyilkoltál 28 medúzát.

Killed units medusa4.png

Meggyilkoltál 50 medúzát.

Kentaurok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x kentaurt. Killed units centaur1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 kentaurt.

Killed units centaur2.png

Meggyilkoltál 5 kentaurt.

Killed units centaur3.png

Meggyilkoltál 22 kentaurt.

Killed units centaur4.png

Meggyilkoltál 45 kentaurt.

Pegazusok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x pegazust. Killed units pegasus1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 pegazust.

Killed units pegasus2.png

Meggyilkoltál 6 pegazust.

Killed units pegasus3.png

Meggyilkoltál 56 pegazust.

Killed units pegasus4.png

Meggyilkoltál 240 pegazust.

Cerberoszok mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x cerberoszt. Killed units cerberus1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 cerberoszt.

Killed units cerberus2.png

Meggyilkoltál 6 cerberoszt.

Killed units cerberus3.png

Meggyilkoltál 45 cerberoszt.

Killed units cerberus4.png

Meggyilkoltál 95 cerberoszt.

Erinnüszek mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x erinnüszt. Killed units fury1.png

Meggyilkoltál 1 erinnüszt.

Killed units fury2.png

Meggyilkoltál 5 erinnüszt.

Killed units fury3.png

Meggyilkoltál 40 erinnüszt.

Killed units fury4.png

Meggyilkoltál 90 erinnüszt.

Isteni küldöttek mészárosa Meggyilkoltál x isteni küldöttet. Killed units godsent1.png

Meggyilkoltál 10 isteni küldöttet.

Killed units godsent2.png

Meggyilkoltál 620 isteni küldöttet.

Killed units godsent3.png

Meggyilkoltál 1500 isteni küldöttet.

Killed units godsent4.png

Meggyilkoltál 2300 isteni küldöttet.

New awards in the category: Heroes

Title Description Level I Level II Level III Level IV
Gather the Wise Men You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom. Hero wise men1.png

You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of Wisdom.

Gather the Fellowship You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War. Hero fellowship1.png

You have reached level 20 with 5 Heroes of War.

A rare Hero's Journey You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service. Hero rare heroes1.png

You have 2 exclusive Heroes at your service.

Money, Money, Money! You have spent x Coins of War or Wisdom. Hero money1.png

You have spent 302 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money2.png

You have spent 1202 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money3.png

You have spent 1812 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Hero money4.png

You have spent 3021 Coins of War or Wisdom.

Andromeda’s Power You have reached level x with the hero Andromeda. Hero level andromeda1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Andromeda.

Hero level andromeda4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Andromeda.

Hector's Power You have reached level x with the hero Hector. Hero level hector1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Hector.

Hero level hector4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Hector.

Helen's Power You have reached level x with the hero Helen. Hero level helen1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Helen.

Hero level helen4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Helen.

Heracles' Power You have reached level x with the hero Heracles. Hero level hercules1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Heracles.

Hero level hercules4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Heracles.

Jason's Power You have reached level x with the hero Jason. Hero level iason1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Jason.

Hero level iason4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Jason.

Leonidas' Power You have reached level x with the hero Leonidas. Hero level leonidas1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Leonidas.

Hero level leonidas4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Leonidas.

Urephon's Power You have reached level x with the hero Urephon. Hero level urephon1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Urephon.

Hero level urephon4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Urephon.

Zuretha's Power You have reached level x with the hero Zuretha. Hero level zuretha1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Zuretha.

Hero level zuretha4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Zuretha.

Atalanta's Power You have reached level x with the hero blubb. Hero level atalanta1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Atalanta.

Hero level atalanta4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Atalanta.

Apheledes' Power You have reached level x with the hero Apheledes. Hero level apheledes1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Apheledes.

Hero level apheledes4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Apheledes.

Chiron's Power You have reached level x with the hero Chiron. Hero level cheiron1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Chiron.

Hero level cheiron4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Chiron.

Democritus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Democritus. Hero level democritus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Democritus.

Hero level democritus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Democritus.

Ferkyon's Power You have reached level x with the hero Ferkyon. Hero level ferkyon1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Ferkyon.

Hero level ferkyon4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Ferkyon.

Odysseus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Odysseus. Hero level odysseus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level odysseus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level odysseus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Odysseus.

Hero level odysseus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Odysseus.

Orpheus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Orpheus. Hero level orpheus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level orpheus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level orpheus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Orpheus.

Hero level orpheus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Orpheus.

Terylea's Power You have reached level x with the hero Terylea. Hero level terylea1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Terylea.

Hero level terylea4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Terylea.

Christopholus' Power You have reached level x with the hero Christopholus. Hero level christopholus1.png

You have reached level 3 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus2.png

You have reached level 5 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus3.png

You have reached level 10 with the hero Christopholus.

Hero level christopholus4.png

You have reached level 20 with the hero Christopholus.

Andromeda's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda x times. Killed units andromeda1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 1 time.

Killed units andromeda2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 10 times.

Killed units andromeda3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 15 times.

Killed units andromeda4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Andromeda 25 times.

Hector's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Hector x times. Killed units hector1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 1 time.

Killed units hector2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 10 times.

Killed units hector3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 15 times.

Killed units hector4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Hector 25 times.

Helen's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Helen x times. Killed units helen1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 1 time.

Killed units helen2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 10 times.

Killed units helen3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 15 times.

Killed units helen4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Helen 25 times.

Heracles' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles x times. Killed units hercules1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 1 time.

Killed units hercules2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 10 times.

Killed units hercules3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 15 times.

Killed units hercules4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Heracles 25 times.

Jason's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Jason x times. Killed units iason1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 1 time.

Killed units iason2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 10 times.

Killed units iason3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 15 times.

Killed units iason4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Jason 25 times.

Christopholus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus x times. Killed units christopholus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 1 time.

Killed units christopholus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 10 times.

Killed units christopholus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 15 times.

Killed units christopholus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Christopholus 25 times.

Leonidas' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas x times. Killed units leonidas1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 1 time.

Killed units leonidas2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 10 times.

Killed units leonidas3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 15 times.

Killed units leonidas4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Leonidas 25 times.

Urephon's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon x times. Killed units urephon1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 1 time.

Killed units urephon2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 10 times.

Killed units urephon3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 15 times.

Killed units urephon4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Urephon 25 times.

Zuretha's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha x times. Killed units zuretha1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 1 time.

Killed units zuretha2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 10 times.

Killed units zuretha3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 15 times.

Killed units zuretha4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Zuretha 25 times.

Atalanta's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta x times. Killed units atalanta1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 1 time.

Killed units atalanta2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 10 times.

Killed units atalanta3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 15 times.

Killed units atalanta4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Atalanta 25 times.

Apheledes' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes x times. Killed units apheledes1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 1 time.

Killed units apheledes2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 10 times.

Killed units apheledes3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 15 times.

Killed units apheledes4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Apheledes 25 times.

Chiron's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron x times. Killed units cheiron1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 1 time.

Killed units cheiron2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 10 times.

Killed units cheiron3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 15 times.

Killed units cheiron4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Chiron 25 times.

Democritus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus x times. Killed units democritus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 1 time.

Killed units democritus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 10 times.

Killed units democritus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 15 times.

Killed units democritus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Democritus 25 times.

Ferkyon's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon x times. Killed units ferkyon1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 1 time.

Killed units ferkyon2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 10 times.

Killed units ferkyon3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 15 times.

Killed units ferkyon4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Ferkyon 25 times.

Odysseus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus x times. Killed units odysseus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 1 time.

Killed units odysseus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 10 times.

Killed units odysseus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 15 times.

Killed units odysseus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Odysseus 25 times.

Orpheus' Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus x times. Killed units orpheus1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 1 time.

Killed units orpheus2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 10 times.

Killed units orpheus3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 15 times.

Killed units orpheus4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Orpheus 25 times.

Terylea's Bounty You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea x times. Killed units terylea1.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 1 time.

Killed units terylea2.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 10 times.

Killed units terylea3.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 15 times.

Killed units terylea4.png

You have wounded the enemy hero Terylea 25 times.

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