„Zeusz” változatai közötti eltérés

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<div style="text-align:justify;">[[File:Zeus.png|Zeus|right]]
As ruler of heaven and earth, Zeus was regarded by the ancient Greeks as the most powerful of all gods. He ascended to the throne of Olympus when he killed his father Kronos in a mighty battle.
As ruler of heaven and earth, Zeus was regarded by the ancient Greeks as the most powerful of all gods. He ascended to the throne of Olympus when he killed his father Kronos in a mighty battle.

A lap 2010. február 6., 11:07-kori változata



As ruler of heaven and earth, Zeus was regarded by the ancient Greeks as the most powerful of all gods. He ascended to the throne of Olympus when he killed his father Kronos in a mighty battle.

In Grepolis Zeus can call upon the mythical Minotaur and Manticore. The Minotaur - half man, half bull - is a strong defense unit. By contrast the Manticore - half man, half lion - is a strong and fast offensive unit.

Zeus is known for his aggression, so his divine powers favour the offense. With Zeus' lightning you can destroy an enemy building or crush their army. With enough favour you can also call upon Zeus to strengthen your naval forces or send down a chariot to aid your army.

Divine Forces

  • Divine Signs: The selected city receives a chariot.
  • Bolt: Damages a random enemy building.
  • Fair Wind: The naval forces fight 10% stronger.
  • Zeus' Rage: Destroys 10-30% of the enemy's land units.

Mythical Units

Zeus  |  Atena  |  Hera  |  Poseidon

Puteri divine
Printre nori străbate o rază de lumină şi de sus coboară un car ce se alătură oraşului.
Oraşul ales primeşte un car de luptă.
- Favoruri 50

Peste oraş se adună nori negri. Cu un bubuit, un fulger cade din cer, lasând în urma doar ruinele unei clădiri.
Avariază la întâmplare o clădire duşmană.

- Favoruri 200

Vânt favorabil

Glasul lui Zeus răsună prin aer. Vântul umflă pânzele corăbiilor.
Săgeţile şi fulgerele lovesc cu precizie în duşmani.
Puterea flotei sporeşte cu 10%.

- Favoruri 250

Furia lui Zeus

Zeus sfâşie cerul cu fulgere, iar soldaţii zboară prin aer ca puful.
Unii se prind de copaci, iar alţii sunt înghiţiţi de ceruri.
Distruge 10-30% din unităţile terestre ale inamicului.'

- Favoruri 300

Unităţi mitice
Minotaurii sunt creaturi uriaşe, jumătate om şi jumătate taur. Loviturile lor puternice cu toporul sparg orice scut, iar rezistenţa lor enormă îi face greu de învins
Manticorele au cap de leu, aripi de dragon şi coadă de scorpion. Acestea se năpustesc din zbor, apucă prada cu ghearele sau o înţeapă mortal cu acul lor otrăvit uriaş. Manticorele pot zbura pe alte insule fără nave de transport.


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