„Istenek” változatai közötti eltérés
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15. sor: | 15. sor: | ||
[[File:Zeus.png|Zeusz|link=Zeus]] ' ' | [[File:Zeus.png|Zeusz|link=Zeus]] '' '' | ||
[[File:Poseidon.png|Posszeidón|link=Poszeidón]] ' ' | [[File:Poseidon.png|Posszeidón|link=Poszeidón]] ' ' | ||
[[File:Hera.png|Héra|link=Héra]] | [[File:Hera.png|Héra|link=Héra]] |
A lap 2010. február 6., 12:16-kori változata
Az istenek fontos szerepet játszottak az ókori görögök életében. Zeusz, az istenek királya uralkodott az Olümposz hegyén, amely az istenek lakhelye volt. It was important to the Ancient Greeks to please the gods, otherwise they might punish the population with overwhelming natural feats. It is therefore natural that the gods play a major role in Grepolis.
"Ha valaki az istenek kegyeként erős harci kedvel támadja haragosait, akkor az ellenfél, alapvetően, nem tudja feltartóztatni őt." - Xenophon
Grepolis világában négy isten kegyéért imádkozhatsz: Zeusz, Poszeidón, Héra és Athéné. Minden isten négy fajta hatalommal bír, amelyeket igénybe vehetsz és két fajta mitikus szörnyet bocsájt rendelkezésedre.
In the temple you can select which god you would like to worship. Each city can worship different gods, however each city can only worship one god at a time. The higher the level of your Temple, the more favour you earn from your chosen god. You can spend this favour to enact divine powers or call upon mythical units.
What god is right for your city depends on your situation. It is therefore quite useful to change the god you worship many times throughout the game. Do this wisely, for when you switch gods you lose all your favour as well as mythical units and divine powers from your previous god.
Hera is both the wife and sister of Zeus, not an uncommon relationship in Greek mythology. She is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, often referred to as the goddess of families. Here was also known to have a strong link with nature.
In Grepolis Hera can call upon the mythical Harpy and Medusa. The Harpy - half eagle, half woman - is the second fastest unit, as in Greek mythology Harpies travelled with the wind. This speed advantage is useful for offense, however they are quite poor in defense. The Medusa - a winged monster with snake hair - was said to have the power to turn men to stone. In Grepolis the Medusa is a powerful all round unit.
Hera is known for her power over emotions, so her divine powers favour encourage your people. When Hera holds her wedding party she receives resources for your people. She can also reach the heart of your people, making them either work faster or increase the population growth in the Barracks. Hera can also help you when danger strikes, attacking warriors will feel homesick and lose some of their fighting power.
Divine Powers
- Wedding: The city receives 125 wood, 200 stone and 200 silver coins.
- Happiness: Increases the wood, stone and silver production by 50% for 12 hours.
- Population Growth: In the Barracks, all recruits are accelerated by 100% which will be assigned within the next 12 hours.
- Desire: The attacking troops fight 10% weaker.
Mythical Units
În templu puteţi venera un zeu la alegere. Fiecare zeu din Grepolis poate conferi diverse puteri divine şi poate da viaţă diverselor unităţi mitice. Pentru acestea, aveţi nevoie de favoruri divine, care vă sunt acordate de zeul venerat la templu. Cu cât este mai avansat nivelul de extindere al templului, cu atât zeii vă vor acorda mai multe favoruri divine. În Grepolis există patru zei, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera si Athena.
Zeus | Atena | Hera | Poseidon