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'''<font size=3>Istenek</font>'''
[[Category:Help File]]
Gods played a major role in the life of the Ancient Greeks. Zeus (king of the gods) ruled on Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. It was important to the Ancient Greeks to please the gods, otherwise they might punish the population with overwhelming natural feats. It is therefore natural that the gods play a major role in Grepolis.
Az istenek Hellász földjén kiemelt szerepet játszottak. Kegyeik befolyásolhatják a csaták kimenetelét, a termelés alakulását, és lehetőséget biztosítanak arra, hogy városodban átéld a mítoszokat, legendás lényeket vezess csatába.  


"''When one side goes against the enemy with the gods' gift of stronger morale, then their adversaries, as a rule, cannot withstand them.''" - Xenophon

In Grepolis there are four gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera and Athena. Each god can enact four different divine powers and call upon two unique mythical units.
"''Ha valaki az istenek kegyeként erős harci kedvvel támadja haragosait, akkor az ellenfél - alapvetően - nem tudja feltartóztatni őt.''" - Xenophon

In the temple you can select which god you would like to worship. Each city can worship different gods, however each city can only worship one god at a time. The higher the level of your [[Temple]], the more favour you earn from your chosen god. You can spend this favour to enact divine powers or call upon mythical units.

What god is right for your city depends on your situation. It is therefore quite useful to change the god you worship many times throughout the game. Do this wisely, for when you switch gods you lose all your favour as well as mythical units and divine powers from your previous god.
Az istenek harmadik nemzedéke uralta az Olümposz hegyét, vezetőjük Kronosz és Rhea fia, Zeusz volt. Oldalán Héra, felesége és testvére vigyázott a családokra. Az Olümposz számos istene közül Grepolis földjéhez rajtuk kívül a tengerek ura, Poszeidón, a bölcs Athéné és az alvilág ura Hádész csatlakozott. Grepolis világaiban e öt istenség közül választhatod ki azt, akihez imádkozni fogsz, akiknek a kegyeit áldáspontok formájában keresheted.

A Hősök világán egy új isten, pontosabban istennő kegyeit is keresheted: Artemiszét, a vadászat patrónusáét.
As ruler of heaven and earth, Zeus was regarded by the ancient Greeks as the most powerful of all gods. He ascended to the throne of Olympus when he killed his father Kronos in a mighty battle.

In Grepolis Zeus can call upon the mythical Minotaur and Manticore. The Minotaur - half man, half bull - is a strong defense unit. By contrast the Manticore - half man, half lion - is a strong and fast offensive unit.

Zeus is known for his aggression, so his divine powers favour the offense. With Zeus' lightning you can destroy an enemy building or crush their army. With enough favour you can also call upon Zeus to strengthen your naval forces or send down a chariot to aid your army.
Istent választani a templomban tudsz. Minden város csak egy istent imádhat, viszont egy játékos különböző városai hódolhatnak más-más istenségeknek. Minél magasabb szintű a [[templom|templomod]], papjaid annál szorgalmasabban imádkoznak, és így annál gyorsabban gyűlnek össze az áldáspontok. Ezekkel “kérheted” választott istenedet arra, hogy egy varázslattal vagy egy mitológiai lény megteremtésével gyakorolja feléd kegyét.

===Divine Forces===
*'''Divine Signs:''' The selected city receives a chariot.
*'''Bolt:''' Damages a random enemy building.
*'''Fair Wind:''' The naval forces fight 10% stronger.
*'''Zeus' Rage:''' Destroys 10-30% of the enemy's land units.

===Mythical Units===
Az, hogy az adott városodnak melyik isten a legmegfelelőbb, a játék során folyamatosan változhat. Döntésed szerint templomodban az imádott isten személyét is megváltoztathatod. De jól gondold meg, mielőtt ilyet teszel, hiszen Hellász földjének istenei sértődékenyek, haragjukban az ő vonatkozásukban összeimádkozott áldáspontokat mind egy szálig elveszik, és abból a városból, amelyben a hitet megváltoztattad, az általuk teremtett mitológiai lényeket is visszahívják a legendák világába.

==Grepolis istenei==  
Poseidon is Zeus' brother. He rules over the sea in the depths of his Crystal Palace. Greek sailors sacrificed horses in his honour as to obtain safe passage. Poseidon is best known for his hatred of Odysseus who blinded Poseidon's son, the Cyclops Polyphemus.
In Grepolis Poseidon can call upon the mythical Cyclops and Hydra. The Cyclops - a one eyed giant - is a strong all round unit however is extremely vulnerable to sharp attacks, similar to when Odysseus used a spear to blind Polyphemus. The Hydra - a nine headed giant serpent - is the only mythical creature of the sea. It is superior to all ships but far more expensive.
|colspan=5 align=center|<div style="margin-bottom:6px;"><font size=4>'''Choose a God'''</font></div>
Poseidon is known for his powers over the sea, so his divine powers favour naval combat. Poseidon can conjure storms to destroy enemy fleets or earthquakes on the sea bed to tear down enemy walls. However Poseidon also has a friendly side, often providing you with usable drift wood and enticing your sailors to work faster in the Harbour.
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedZeus.png|150px|link=Zeusz]]
<font size=3>'''[[Zeusz]]'''</font>
===Divine Forces===
*'''Kingly Gift:''' The city receives 800 wood.
''God of the Sky''
*'''Call of the Ocean:''' The production of the Harbour is increased by 100% for 12 hours.
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedPos.png|150px|link=Poszeidón]]
*'''Earthquake:''' The city wall loses 1-3 levels.
<font size=3>'''[[Poszeidón]]'''</font>
*'''Sea Storm:''' Destroys 10-30% of the enemy's battleships.
''God of the Sea''
===Mythical Units===
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedAth.png|150px|link=Athéné]]
<font size=3>'''[[Athéné]]'''</font>
''Bölcsesség istennője''
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedHera.png|150px|link=Héra]]
Hera is both the wife and sister of Zeus, not an uncommon relationship in Greek mythology. She is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, often referred to as the goddess of families. Here was also known to have a strong link with nature.
<font size=3>'''[[Héra]]'''</font>
In Grepolis Hera can call upon the mythical Harpy and Medusa. The Harpy - half eagle, half woman - is the second fastest unit, as in Greek mythology Harpies travelled with the wind. This speed advantage is useful for offense, however they are quite poor in defense. The Medusa - a winged monster with snake hair - was said to have the power to turn men to stone. In Grepolis the Medusa is a powerful all round unit.
''Család Istennője''
Hera is known for her power over emotions, so her divine powers favour encourage your people. When Hera holds her wedding party she receives resources for your people. She can also reach the heart of your people, making them either work faster or increase the population growth in the [[Barracks]]. Hera can also help you when danger strikes, attacking warriors will feel homesick and lose some of their fighting power.
  |align=center colspan=1|[[File:FramedHades.png|150px|link=Hádész]]
<font size=3>'''[[Hádész]]'''</font>
===Divine Powers===
*'''Wedding:''' The city receives 125 wood, 200 stone and 200 silver coins.
''Az Alvilág Istene''
*'''Happiness:''' Increases the wood, stone and silver production by 50% for 12 hours.
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedArtemis.png|150px|link=Artemis]]
*'''Population Growth:''' In the Barracks, all recruits are accelerated by 100% which will be assigned within the next 12 hours.
<font size=3>'''[[Artemisz]]'''</font>
*'''Desire:''' The attacking troops fight 10% weaker.
''A Vadászat Istennője''
===Mythical Units===
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:225px-FramedAphrodite.png|150px|link=Aphrodite]]
<font size=3>'''[[Aphrodité]]'''</font>
''A Szerelem Istennője''
|align=center colspan=1|[[File:FramedAres.png|150px|link=Árész]]
Athena is Zeus' daughter. She is the namesake and patron goddess for the city of Athens, nicknamed "The Invincible" and "The Indefatigable". In Greek mythology Athena is the goddess of war tactics and strategy, famous for fighting with the Greeks in the Trojan War.
<font size=3>'''[[Árész]]'''</font>
In Grepolis Athena can call upon the mythical Centaur and Pegasus. The Centaur - half man, half horse - is a fast defensive unit, armed with a bow and arrow. Pegasus - a winged horse - is the child of Poseidon and Medusa. In Grepolis Pegasus is the fastest unit with a strong defensive ability.
''A Háború Istene''
If you are looking for a god to protect you from enemy earthquakes and lightning, Athena is just for you. With City Protection, your city cannot be affected by divine forces from other gods for 12 hours. Athena can also help scout enemy attacking parties before they arrive, and as a patron goddess can inspire 5 units to join your army. Athena can also help you in battle, by inspiring your army with heroism they fight 10% stronger.
===Divine Forces===
*'''Patroness:''' The city receives 5 random units.
*'''Wisdom:''' You receive an espionage report about an enemy incoming.
*'''City Protection:''' The city can't be affected by any divine forces for 12 hours.
*'''Heroic Power:''' Land units become 10% stronger in the next battle.
===Mythical Units===
În templu puteţi venera un zeu la alegere. Fiecare zeu din Grepolis poate conferi diverse puteri divine şi poate da viaţă diverselor unităţi mitice. Pentru acestea, aveţi nevoie de favoruri divine, care vă sunt acordate de zeul venerat la templu. Cu cât este mai avansat nivelul de extindere al templului, cu atât zeii vă vor acorda mai multe favoruri divine.
În Grepolis există patru zei, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera si Athena.
  [[Zei|Zeus]]  | [[Atena]]  |  [[Hera]]  |  Poseidon
'''Poseidon este zeul mărilor.'''
El locuieşte într-un palat de cleştar din străfundul mării. Când este bine dispus, Poseidon făureşte insule noi şi face ca marea să fie liniştită şi navigabilă. Când se înfurie, îşi înfige tridentul în pământ, provocând cutremure şi inundaţii şi făcând să se scufunde corăbiile.
<table width="70%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  bgcolor="#FFD1A4">
    <td width="11%" style="background-color:#F2D494;">&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="89%" style="background-color:#F2D494;"><div align="center" bgcolor="#FFD1A4"><strong>Puteri divine</strong></div></td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:P1.png‎ ]]<br>
        <strong>Darul mării</strong></div></td>
    <td>Valurile aruncă pe ţărm lemn pentru oraş. Poseidon îşi arată bunătatea.<br><strong>Oraşul primeşte 800 de unităţi de lemn.</strong><br>
    - Favoruri 25<br></td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:P2.png‎ ]]<br>
      <strong>Chemarea mării</strong></div></td>
    <td><p>Valurile puternice se sparg de ţărmuri. Constructorii sunt cuprinşi de sentimentul datoriei şi dau ascultare chemării mării.<br>
        <strong> </strong></p>
    <p>- Favoruri 60</p></td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:P3.png‎ ]]<br><strong>Cutremur</strong><br>
    <td><p>Pământul se clatină şi bucăţi mari din zidul oraşului se prăbuşesc.<br><strong>Zidul oraşului pierde 1-3 niveluri.</strong></p>
    <p>- Favoruri 500</p></td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:P4.png‎ ]]<br>
      <strong>Furtună pe mare</strong></div></td>
    <td><p>Poseidon se ridică, iar valurile sale izbesc corăbiile cu furie. Nu e o zi bună pentru navigatori. <br><strong>Distruge 10-30% din navele de luptă ale inamicului.</strong></p>
    <p>- Favoruri 280</p></td>
    <td style="background-color:#F2D494;">&nbsp;</td>
    <td style="background-color:#F2D494;"><div align="center"><strong>Unităţi mitice</strong></div></td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:Up1.png‎ ]]<br>
    <td>Ciclopii sunt uriaşi cu un singur ochi, care aruncă bolovani peste inamici. Singura metodă de apărare împotriva lor este folosirea armelor ascuţite.</td>
    <td><div align="center">[[Fişier:Up2.png‎ ]]<br>
    <td>Nici valul, nici furtuna, niciun duşman nu este mai de temut pentru un corăbier decât atacul unei hidre. Monstrul cu nouă capete iese din apă, sfărâmă în gurile sale corăbii întregi şi devorează echipajul sau îl târăşte în adâncurile lui Poseidon.</td>

A lap jelenlegi, 2021. március 16., 01:50-kori változata


Az istenek Hellász földjén kiemelt szerepet játszottak. Kegyeik befolyásolhatják a csaták kimenetelét, a termelés alakulását, és lehetőséget biztosítanak arra, hogy városodban átéld a mítoszokat, legendás lényeket vezess csatába.



"Ha valaki az istenek kegyeként erős harci kedvvel támadja haragosait, akkor az ellenfél - alapvetően - nem tudja feltartóztatni őt." - Xenophon

Az istenek harmadik nemzedéke uralta az Olümposz hegyét, vezetőjük Kronosz és Rhea fia, Zeusz volt. Oldalán Héra, felesége és testvére vigyázott a családokra. Az Olümposz számos istene közül Grepolis földjéhez rajtuk kívül a tengerek ura, Poszeidón, a bölcs Athéné és az alvilág ura Hádész csatlakozott. Grepolis világaiban e öt istenség közül választhatod ki azt, akihez imádkozni fogsz, akiknek a kegyeit áldáspontok formájában keresheted.

A Hősök világán egy új isten, pontosabban istennő kegyeit is keresheted: Artemiszét, a vadászat patrónusáét.

Istent választani a templomban tudsz. Minden város csak egy istent imádhat, viszont egy játékos különböző városai hódolhatnak más-más istenségeknek. Minél magasabb szintű a templomod, papjaid annál szorgalmasabban imádkoznak, és így annál gyorsabban gyűlnek össze az áldáspontok. Ezekkel “kérheted” választott istenedet arra, hogy egy varázslattal vagy egy mitológiai lény megteremtésével gyakorolja feléd kegyét.

Az, hogy az adott városodnak melyik isten a legmegfelelőbb, a játék során folyamatosan változhat. Döntésed szerint templomodban az imádott isten személyét is megváltoztathatod. De jól gondold meg, mielőtt ilyet teszel, hiszen Hellász földjének istenei sértődékenyek, haragjukban az ő vonatkozásukban összeimádkozott áldáspontokat mind egy szálig elveszik, és abból a városból, amelyben a hitet megváltoztattad, az általuk teremtett mitológiai lényeket is visszahívják a legendák világába.

Grepolis istenei

Choose a God


God of the Sky



God of the Sea



Bölcsesség istennője



Család Istennője



Az Alvilág Istene



A Vadászat Istennője



A Szerelem Istennője



A Háború Istene

Jó játékot kíván: a Grepolis csapata!